(+855) 12 712 371, 12 999 979

Pro Bono Initiative

Across Cambodia, our lawyers are working pro bono to ensure access to justice, promote the rule of law, and provide legal services to those unable to
afford a lawyer.
A lack of legal aid provided to people who cannot afford a lawyer has remained one of many obstacles that makes them more difficult to enjoy full and
equal access to justice, especially victims of human rights trafficking, human rights defenders, women rights activists, labour rights defenders and
vulnerable land and garment worker communities involved with corporate litigation because of limited support and assistance. Under the Pro bono
initiative, our Law Group will use an evidence-based approach to advance respect for human rights relating to justice by providing legal representation
and strategic litigation advice. Our Law Group will also work to nurture meaningful discussions about judicial reform, full and equal access to justice,
consistent application of the law, human rights principles, and the rule of law among legal practitioners and youth in the Kingdom of Cambodia. Our
aim is to strengthen the full and equal access to justice, the independence of the Cambodian judiciary, the promotion of the independence of judges,
lawyers and legal practitioners, and the rule of law.
More broadly, we hope to raise a greater awareness of equal access to justice and human rights principles through youth and university engagement,
providing Cambodian youth with opportunities to engage in legal and judicial reform. Lastly, it is the goal of Pro Bono & Advisory Law Group to
cooperate with the Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC), its justice actors, and relevant stakeholders to work together to advance full and equal
access to justice and to promote a fair justice system, in particular through the United Nations Human Rights Council and Universal Periodic Review
(UPR) mechanism. Cambodia’s third cycle of the UPR will take place in Geneva in January 2019.
Our lawyers believe that we have a civic mission to advance full and equal access to justice, human rights, and the rule of law. If you have the same
belief like us, please support our work with your generous donation. Your support will provide our team with the funds they need to provide legal aid
for vulnerable and indigenous communities, unionists and labour rights activists, human rights defenders, and women’s rights activists while we
monitor the RGC’s compliance with its international obligations, encourage an appetite for judicial reform among youth and legal practitioners, and to
advance full and equal access to justice for Cambodia’s most vulnerable citizens.