(+855) 12 712 371, 12 999 979

Mr. Piseth DUCH

Mr. Piseth DUCH

Founder and Lawyer


+855 (0) 12 712 371
Twitter: @PisethDuchs Skype: pisethduch168 LinkedIn: Piseth Duch


Piseth is currently leading Pro Bono & Advisory Law Group. Piseth is a qualified lawyer who is a member of the Bar Association of the Kingdom of Cambodia and passionate about human rights and public interests. Piseth is a post-graduate student with Master’s Degree in International Law and Politics with first class honours from the University of Canterbury, New Zealand. Before becoming a lawyer, Piseth had worked as a human rights worker for the Cambodian Center for Human Rights (“CCHR”) in charge of both Trial Monitoring and Business and Human Rights Projects since February 2012. Piseth later became an Advocacy Director and a member of the Management Committee at CCHR until December 2017. Additionally, Piseth has had extensive experience in advocating with government officials, judges, prosecutors, lawyers, civil society, international community and relevant stakeholders for the promotion and protection of human rights, including fair trial rights, equal and full access to justice, legal and judicial reform, gender issues and inclusion.